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Alt 21.02.2008, 23:05
Anscha Anscha ist offline
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Registriert seit: 04.01.2007
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Standard AW: Im Gedenken an meinen über alles geliebten Papa

Ach Papilein,

wenn Du nur da wärst. Du fehlst mir so. Bräuchte Dich so dringend als Ratgeber und Beistand, Dich meinen über alles geliebten Papa!
"Es" zerreißt mich fast. So kann es nicht weitergehen, ich finde die Situation schön und anstrengend. Man kann nicht ewig vor etwas davonlaufen (who knows why). Es kommt doch nur auf das Herz und die Liebe an in diesem kurzen Leben. Papa, wenn Du kannst, leg bitte ein gutes Wort für mich ein.

There are so many things I can´t understand. Why did the things happen the way they did last year? Why did all this happen but at the moment it seems like X doesn´t allow more things to happen? Why? I hope to climb a gigantic peak one day, to experience happiness as I have never experienced before. I believe in this to happen one day by the grace of our heavenly father and with the help of your good words for me. My ... is so strong. What do you think about this? I would be endlessly grateful to get a sign from you, can you tell me if I am right? I am totally convinced that this is the right thing to happen. Please let me know if this is the right way, the way I desire with all my heart.

Papa - und bald ist das Konzert, ich bräuchte Dich so dringend. Ich fühle mich so alleingelassen. Dein Rat, Deine Erfahrung und Deine Weisheit. Kennst mich kleinen Hitzkopf ja, habe einfach das Gefühl ohne Dich nur halb so gut zu sein. Du feeeehlst mir soooooo!!!!!

In ewiger Liebe
Deine Anja
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Alt 24.02.2008, 20:23
Anscha Anscha ist offline
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Registriert seit: 04.01.2007
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Standard AW: Im Gedenken an meinen über alles geliebten Papa

Hallo Papa,

wie geht es Dir? Warst Du gestern auch da? Wir hatten eine tolle Party, endlich konnte ich mal wieder fröhlich sein und Spaß haben. Ich hoffe das war ok? Ich habe Dich nicht vergessen und es wäre viel schöner gewesen wenn Du dabei gewesen wärst.

Oh Daddy. It feels so wonderful. Why does ... still not allow this to happen? It is so hard to hold back emotions. Why does ... touch me physically and mentally again and again? I don´t know what ... thinks about it. Can you please pray for me and give a good word for me to our heavenly father and also to ... mom. Don´t know why but I am so much convinced of this to be the right thing, I have the strong impression that this is our real destiny and providence. Is it just a probation period to make sure that this is the real, the right and the one and only love for me / for us? How long will ... still hold back? It is incredible how good it feels just to be with ... it feels like balm for my soul. I have never before experienced such a wonderful feeling of providence and acceptance, of well-being and happiness, and everyday I pray and hope that one day - soon - we will climb that wonderful peak together. Daddy - please keep on praying for me / for us. Wonderful father in heaven - please hear my prayers and let it happen.

I really wish our relationship becomes better again - I know that I have to work on that. Thank you so much that you always care for me, that you send me your guardian angels who care for me. Thank you for keeping me safely in your arms.

Papa - Du fehlst mir so!
In Liebe
Deine Anja

Geändert von Anscha (24.02.2008 um 20:28 Uhr)
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Alt 26.02.2008, 22:24
Anscha Anscha ist offline
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Registriert seit: 04.01.2007
Beiträge: 175
Standard AW: Im Gedenken an meinen über alles geliebten Papa

Hi Daddy,

how are you? Do you realize all the things that are going on?
I can´t describe how it feels. It´s incredible, wonderful. Please keep on praying for me. Heavenly father please let it happen. Touch the souls and tell
them the right way. I´m so excited, I really wish it to happen with all my heart. Father in heaven please hear my prayers. I´m so sorry for my doubts, for my accuses. Please forgive me and hear my prayers. Thank you so much for always keeping me safe. Please tell my so much beloved Daddy that I miss him, I love him so much. He was - he is - the most wonderful Daddy in the world!!! Thank you so much for having given me the best Daddy in the world!

Daddy - I miss you so much!
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Alt 27.02.2008, 23:11
Anscha Anscha ist offline
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Registriert seit: 04.01.2007
Beiträge: 175
Standard AW: Im Gedenken an meinen über alles geliebten Papa

To my so much beloved Daddy,

Sorry for writing day after day and always the same. I cannot stop thinking, hoping, praying for... everyday, every hour, every minute. Daddy, please give a good word for me - for us - to ... mom and above all to our Lord, our gracious father in heaven.

Father in heaven - please hear my prayers. My longing increases so much, it is almost unbearable yet wonderful. I miss ... so much. Please let us climb this gigantic peak together and let us be perfectly happy together, forever. This is my strongest desire. Thank you so much for keeping me in your arms, for being with me.

Daddy - I hope you are ok? I miss you so much!!! It´s sad not to be with you anymore. Sometimes it just feels like it is not true but I know I have to accept it. Lord, heavenly father. Thank you for giving me the strength to deal with all the challenges in my life. Please hear my prayers and touch his soul. Please let this wonderful thing just happen...

Thank you so much!
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Alt 28.02.2008, 19:15
Anscha Anscha ist offline
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Standard AW: Im Gedenken an meinen über alles geliebten Papa

Daddy, oh Daddy,

my heart throbs endlessly. My longing almost hurts. How long can you stand this situation? Please Daddy - give a good word for me. I can´t stand it any longer. I wish you were here, I wish to share my thoughts and emotions with you. I wish to be with you. Where are you? I miss you so much.

Please give a good word for me. I have never before experienced something ... like that. How does it come, I got that very strong feeling of certainty that this is the absolute right thing, that we are supposed to climb that one and only endless beautiful peak together, forever. Please father in heaven, hear my prayers. Give us your blessing, touch our souls, show us the right way and keep us safe in your arms.

Daddy - I miss you so much!
Love Anja
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Alt 01.03.2008, 00:24
Anscha Anscha ist offline
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Registriert seit: 04.01.2007
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Standard AW: Im Gedenken an meinen über alles geliebten Papa

Ach mein über alles geliebter Papa,

was ist bloß los mit mir??? Tag und Nacht kann ich an nichts anderes mehr denken... bin total durch den Wind... das merkst Du ja auch ... kann mir kaum vorstellen, wie ich das die nächsten Tage auf die Reihe kriegen soll... kann ich noch einen klaren Gedanken fassen? Du schüttelst wahrscheinlich den Kopf, aber Du kennst mich ja - so bin ich halt. Papa - wenn Du nur hier wärst. Ich würde meine Gedanken und das alles so gerne mit Dir teilen. Du fehlst mir so!

Daddy, please give a good word for me. I have never experienced something like that before. My only wish is to ... (you know); please let us climb this wonderful peak together, forever - please heavenly Father hear my prayers. Touch the souls, touch ... heart, make ... change ... mind. Let love rule. Father in heaven please hear my prayers. I have no stronger desire but this. Please hear my prayers. My longing hurts so much, it´s almost impossible to stand it any longer. Please heavenly father hear my prayers and touch the souls. Show us the right way.

Daddy - I miss you so much! I wish you were here.
Please give a good word to ... mom and to our gracious father in heaven.
Please pray for your little daughter
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Alt 01.03.2008, 19:57
Anscha Anscha ist offline
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Registriert seit: 04.01.2007
Beiträge: 175
Standard AW: Im Gedenken an meinen über alles geliebten Papa

To my beloved Daddy,

the rehearsal was really good today. We worked hard and I think it will be a wonderful evening next week saturday. I wish you were here, you could give me advice. I miss you so much. Do you agree with the way we play - is everything ok? What do we have to notice for the last three rehearsals? Daddy please tell me - what can I do to improve? To make music like you did?

Daddy - I´m totally crazy about... The situation is so strange yet wonderful.
It is exhausting yet overwhelming. Do I missunderstand ... or did ... really change his mind? I keep on praying night and day, day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute. I have just this one desire - please let love rule. How does it come, this feeling of certainty intensifies more and more? I am absolutely sure that this is what I want. I have never before experienced something like that. Heavenly Father please hear my prayers, touch our souls, bring ... and keep us safe forever. Thank you for being our Father!

Daddy - I miss you sooooo much!
Please keep on praying for your crazy little daughter and give a good word.
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