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Alt 07.11.2007, 13:01
säni säni ist offline
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Registriert seit: 03.10.2007
Beiträge: 37
Standard AW: NHL grauer zone,progressiv,t und b zellen

hallo ina
sorry nochmals!wie geht es dir?
habe einen brief aus Atlanta:
Dear Dr. Ilic
thank you for sharing this interesting case of mediastinal mass(no. 8980-06).
we agree with your initial assessment of this tumor representing a malignant lymphom.Considering remarkable morphological features including highly pleomorphic cells,hallmark cells,and strong positivity for CD 30 a differential diagnosis includes ALK-anaplastic large cell lymphoma.however,strong reactivity for MUM-I is somewhat indicative of B-cell lineage and such differentiation is not compatible with anaplastic large cell lymphoma.Therefore,we feel that this malignant lymphoma is best categorizate as a malignant lymphoma of the so-called "gray zone" subtype in which definitive derivation of its phenotype is not always possible to determine.
However,we strongly believe that this tumor represents a lymphoid neoplasm and epithelial malignancy is definitely excluded by immunohistochemical staining pattern.Rare cases of anaplastic large cell lymphomas have been described in literature staining positively for NSE,and therefore we feel that this staining is somewhat nonspecific.Case was also reviewed by several members of our department including pathologists in hemato pathology subdivision.please let us know about the patients follow-up.
Mediastinal mass(biopsy)
-Malignant lymphoma,"gray zone" subtype

so liebe ina,hoffe das dieses brief dir etwas sagt.alle andere dokumente sind auf kroatisch(kann es auch probieren zu übersetzen).habe marina geschrieben das sie mir ihr momentan bericht sendet,was sie für medikamenten bekommt(auser mabthera) und allgemein wies ihr geht.aber sie hat mir nur geschrieben das es ihr sehr schlecht geht und sobald sie wider zu kräften kommt schreibt sie mir mehr.
bis bald und lass dich umahrmen
Mit Zitat antworten


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